Saturday, January 2, 2010

{new year's day}

Sabe and I had a hot date on New Year's Eve. Well, not really, but we did drop the kids off at the grandparent's house and we went to dinner. He got sushi, I got salad :)
We also watch "Sherlock Holmes" with popcorn and Junior Mints. I must say, it was all really great. Sabe even held my hand the whole time :)
The next day, the guys played bball at the church and then we packed up for a trip to stay in a hotel for the night as a family. It's a fun little thing we do to get away. Sabe and Jaxon went to see "Avatar" (its movie season, isn't it) and Liv, Izzy, and I did some shopping and ATTEMPTED to ice skate. Not a good idea. First of all, we waited in line for 30 minutes and you know what those places smell like--wet, musty feet. Well, $35 got us one lap around the rink because Isabella was bawling her eyes out. So, while Olivia made a few more laps to get her money's worth, I was able to get some really pics of the spoiled little girls that now hates ice skating.
Later, we went to a really yummy restaurant and then capped the night off with a dip in the pool and cuddling in the hotel beds.
Hello 2010!


Ang said...

Sounds way fun Jen. That's totally cool that you get a hotel for New Year's. I especially liked when you said that he held your hand. So cute. :)

Heather Williams said...

I love that tradition and you are such a beautiful mother Jen! Of course in the way you look but just the way you spend time with your kids, attempting to ice skate, parties in the hotel room, awesome christmas, etc. They'll have some darn good memories to look back on.