Monday, May 25, 2009

{my first meeting of Hattie}

Heather and Ryan got in late the night we got to Sun Valley.  Dang it!  (They were partyling in Vegas, by the way.)
I got up early the next morning and walked over to their condo and forced my way in to meet this beautiful little girl.
here are the pics of her looking at me asking, "who the CRAP are you? And why, oh why, did you wake me up, lady?"


Jason & Catherine Beveridge said...

Jen! Your family is so amazing. What a fun trip. Your mom looks the same as I remember her. That's impressive after 15 years. LOVE the pics of you sisters! The babes are to die for too. I wish I could see you in UT in July. My kids start school again on 7/6. Crazy year round school. Maybe I can sneak away. Oh, and all I can say about the New Moon trailer is "YUMMY!"
Miss you!