Wednesday, February 24, 2010

{Seattle trip-part 1}

Isabella and I had the amazing oppurtunity to travel to Seattle for the first time. How lucky was I to see not 1, but 3 of my sisters! Seriously, it was the best time ever. I did justify my trip with a few client sessions, but after that was done, we partied. I was in awe of the beauty of Gig Harbor, where Camille lives. It was so nice to leave the snow and see green, green grass and trees that were blossoming. It was so fresh and to think that we were constantly surrounded by the ocean was awesome. I agree with Camille when she says that it would be hard to ever have to live away from the ocean.
So, this is part 1 of the trip. I have so many photos, its disgusting. I just want to share everything. I can't even express how much I love my sisters. They are everything to me and to see how much Isabella adores the time with her cousins really does bringsme to tears.

I had to take a few pics of Camille's DARLING place. She has the most amazing touch with decorating. Its like walking into a vintage shop, so full detail and really good things....


Heather Williams said...

Camille is amazing. Seriously though, and she is the most generous person (just like dad). Her house really makes you feel bright inside. Love how you captured all the details.

Six Girls and One Boy said...

Camille is amazing in so many ways!!! Didn't you just love her apartment--so cozy and warm! I'm grateful that you could visit your three sisters in Washington State and have such a memorable weekend!